On 6 August, the European chemicals agency (ECHA)2024 barium chromate into the SVHC intended substance. Up to now, a total of 12 substances are listed as SVHC intention substances, are in the“Related substances file preparation and submission” stage. The deadline for submission of the dossiers for six of these substances is 1 August of the 2024. ECHA is expected to launch a public review of these substances in September of the 2024, during this period, all stakeholders may submit their comments to ECHA, and if the comments are approved, the six substances will be added to the SVHC candidate list and become the 32nd batch of SVHC substances.
The REACH regulation requires SVHC to complete the notification within six months after being included in the candidate list, which is urgent for enterprises. It is suggested that enterprises should pay attention to the risks in the process of R & D and purchasing as soon as possible, early response.